Chocolate has been the only magical solution to all my mess that I've known for years and I still believe it works wonders for me, I guess you will love it on your favourite popcorn too. So, I once heard about this magical recipe and I thought I might as well try it, like c’mon, everybody welcomes chocolate & roses on Valentines Day- let’s make some!
Popped popcorn
nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashew nuts..)
cooking chocolate ( milk or dark)
brown sugar
corn or maple syrup
1. Spread the popcorn and the nuts evenly on a sheet.
2. In a small pan bring the butter, sugar, and syrup to boil, drizzle popcorn with the sugar syrup.
3. On the other hand melt the chocolate, if you have difficulty you might want to use some milk to ease up the process.
4. Drizzle over popcorn and set aside to cool.
5. Break pieces of it, serve to your loved one. Enjoy!